A good architect should lead be example. He should be able to fulfill any of the positions within his team. Withoug a good understanding of the full range of technology, an architect is little more than a project manager. It is perfectly acceptable for team members to have more in-depth knowledge in their specific areas, but it's difficult to imagine how team members can have confidence in their architect if the architect doesn't understand the technology.
The architect is the interface between the business and the technology team and must understand every aspect of the technology to be able to represent the team to the business without having to constantly refer others. Similarly the architect must understand the business in order to drive the team toward it's goal of serving the business.
Architects should be brought into the team at the earliest part of the project. They should not sit in an ivory tower dictating the way forward, but should be on the ground working with the team. Technology choices should be made pragmatically through hands on investigation or using advice from architect peers.
Here, the latest Java techniques and features are described very nicely. My JVM concept to develop new software is improved by this book.